Friday, January 21, 2011

Fascinating documentary about the dawn of television ...

Monday, January 17, 2011


I didn't get a job I wanted. That's worse than actually getting a job you don't want, in the long run, at least, in the short run such a thing is good but it ultimately wears on you, especially if you're talking one bad job after another, and another and another ... of course, this is what I'm back to hoping for, another series of bad jobs so I can keep it all together, whatever it is. Gotta say, though, in Michigan's economy it's always exciting to see a good job open up, downright ecstatic to get an interview, and ultimately that much harder to take when it doesn't happen, even if you never expected it to in the first place ... thanks anyways, guys.

The Great Tribulation is all I talk about here anymore, because it's the brightest spotlight on my personal horizon. We had another great night last Saturday, did the Lagerhaus with Scarlet Oaks and Doop & the Inside Outlaws. I miss Noelle on drums, but ScarOak's new lineup kept all the pieces together otherwise, and I finally understand everyone's collective boner over the Inside Outlaws (Doop's cool, but this is clearly Katie Grace's band right now). We made twice as much dough as I expected, got just drunk enough, and at some point we'll have some live video/sound/photos from my pal Jason too, although his old lady has a new boy coming any second now, so we might have to wade through some postpartum excitement to get our results. We sounded good, it was our last gig with pedal steeler Paul Delamater and while I had the usual difficulties battling this newfangled electronic guitar technology, I know for a fact we blew a few minds. Don't forget, we're looking for a lapsteel player and/or organist, so if you got a lead or a pitch, please let us know at At the end of the month we go to Backseat Studio to record more new compositions for a projected full-length release of some kind, so you can expect more feminist diatribes, Satanic screeds and re-written outlaw country ballads sometime in the very very near future ...

Speaking of Backseat, I've started some further End Times recordings there with my new ginger-domed pal Brook ... he's helming the eventually-upcoming single, which I hope to have finished within another month (finances willing). Thanks to Jennifer, John and Cory for filling in the spaces between signature licks ... if it all works, the spring should see at least one End Times recital in the mid-Michigan area plus a new vinyl release. Don't quote me yet, but still, that's the target.


Monday, January 3, 2011

PS. The Great Tribulation is establishing a new internet presence. Look at it.