I missed POTUS's afternoon press conference on August 15th because I was undergoing a colonoscopy at the time. I'll leave it to others to find the metaphor there -- I'm still too angry to fuck around with clever essay construction. It wasn't til the fentanyl wore off and I had eaten solid food for the first time in 36 hours that the laptop opened and once again affirmed my worst suspicions. The leader of our country stood tall and proud and left no reasonable doubt that he aligns himself with white nationalism. There is no way to parse the words he spoke that afternoon and find within them any logical thread that would suggest otherwise. He actually doesn't deserve the courtesy of such scrutiny, he long ago lost the right to "benefit of the doubt," but it doesn't matter -- on its face and in its content, the President's words exposed his racism and indifference to history.
It's time to impeach. Let this be one more citizen's demand for our national embarrassment to end, before this ignorant, racist, sexist, avaricious narcissist/sociopath permanently damages the freest society humanity has ever seen (so far). Or worse.
PS. A call from a concerned friend convinces me to clarify that my procedure was both routine and uneventful. As opposed to every other fucking thing happening right now.